Wednesday, 23 December 2015

I was nominated!!

A few days ago, I was honored and pleased to receive this nomination for one lovely blog award. I want to thank Gina@ A Thousand Books for nominating me, this mean a lot to me.This nomination is such a honour and validation to me , I started this blog a short couple of months ago and to have Gina nominate me is crazy.I would like to thank everyone who reads this  blog and comments on my posts , you guys only made this blogging journey much more fun.

The rules for this Award:
-Thank the blogger who nominated you.  
- List the rules display the word button.  
- Give seven facts about yourself!  
- Nominate fifteen other bloggers for the award and make sure to notify them!  
- Display the award button on your blog and follow the blogger that nominated you.

My Facts:
1.I am a huge fan of supernatural , how to get with murder , daredevil and recently grey's anatomy and parks and recreation.
2.To go along with my first fact, I watch a lot of tv, like too much tv.I cant control myself  :*I
3.I am in university right now , majoring in psychology.
4.I love to watch movies but I have a hard time finishing them or even start them because they are too long for me.
5.I want to read more poetry and maybe right some too.
6.I am a very fast reader and can finish a book in a day or two.
7.I recently bought myself a coloring book and love that coloring in it makes me feel like a child again :).

Blogs I would love to nominate:
- Anna @ Enchanted by Ya
- Yuki  @ Utterly Books
-Jasprit @ The Readers Den
-Ellie @ Spellbound
-Kelly and Kendra @ Diva Booknerd
- Lauren @ Shooting stars mag

I would love to hear your comments or post some blogs I can check out :)


  1. Congrats on the award and thanks for nominating me!! <3 Also the second you mentioned watching too much TV including Supernatural I knew we must be friends - I'm exactly the same ahah
    Enchanted by YA

  2. Thanks Anna, and yes supernatural is the best :)

  3. Aww, thanks for the nomination Muna, we really appreciate you thinking of us. I'm such a massive fan of the colouring books too. I actually got a set of artists pencils for Christmas which I'm absolutely loving, it makes it much easier to colour. I must admit, I watched an episode of Supernatural when it first started and I just couldn't get into it. It reminded me of the old nineties series Charmed (have you ever seen that one?), but I'm more old school and still prefer Buffy. The only show I never miss is The Walking Dead. Thanks for haring poppet, really enjoyed it <3 <3

  4. Hey! Great post :-) And thank you so much for your nice words:)

    Gina <3
